Friday, February 21, 2014


(Patrol Regulations For The Town Of Tarborough, N.C)

This is just the worst.

I'm so tired, so physically tired, of the racist monsters being home grown across the USA. Many white people are going to blow off the actions of these young white men as the ignorance of teens... but, these are living breathing human beings with THOUGHTS... who decided that the way to assert their white male dominance was to "Lynch a Nigger!"

And for those of you out there who believe these young men did not use the word "Lynched Nigger" when discussing this act... you are as stupid as these young men are!

I live in Northern Virginia. Every day I walk out into the public and see 98% Caucasian faces. Half the white people in Virginia walk around with a hand gun strapped on their body. Every day I am surrounded by white people. And every day I have to ask myself, "Which one of these hateful Motherfuckers would kill me where I stand, if he, or she, had the chance?"

To want to LYNCH a black man when you are of High School age?

We say young people who kill small animals might be serial killers in the making. What are white people who are obsessed with killing black people... in the making?

Drive down to Florida to find the answer to that question... especially if you are white.

What is a black man's life worth? It isn't worth total condemnation of these young men, that's for sure. Two weeks from now, these white racists will be walking their streets as if nothing happened.

And that is the real shame!

That is what it is like... TO LIVE AND DIE BLACK IN THE USA!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

One Exploration Of The White American Psyche And Racism

For the town of Tarborough, North Carolina


Coco-Cola Super Bowl Commercial 2014 That Has Driven American Racists crazy!

I am a black dude with 55 years of American life behind me. I know with all certainty that the racist America I knew as a 6 year old child in North Carolina (I was born in 1959) is MORE racist today than it was back then. The only thing preventing lynchings from being performed on a daily basis across a wide swatch of America is FEDERAL HATE CRIME LAWS!

A whole lot of white America still believes white people should not have sex with, nor should mingle with, black people -- even in 2014!

And when a Cheerios commercial depicting a black man as the husband, a white woman as the wife and an obviously beautiful little girl as the daughter... who is also obviously of parents both black and white, the Internet social forums explode with the most vile hatred by the stupidest of our fellow Americans.

But, my main point here is this -- I want those of you out there who keep saying things like this have to be more complicated than just race are completely, ignorantly wrong. This is ALL about race. How do I know that...?

Look at the pictures and the names accompanying the racism that is all over social media. It is ALL WHITE PEOPLE posting that racism. And for every one white person willing to post that racist vomit, I am going to declare that there are 50 more white people who feel exactly the same way... without posting their views for the world to see.

We, the people of black color minority, have no problems with the mixing of the races. We have had to deal with having our own race mixed in with white blood since the first slave master raped his first female slave and produced their first mixed-race bastard child. And black people have been assimilating other races into black culture from day one!

Black people had only one chance of survival over the centuries. That chance came in our ability to assimilate, or be assimilated. Therefore, we... for the most part... do not freak out when we see a white man touching a black women. To us, that is the way it has ALWAYS been!

And white people? Seeing a black man touching a white women? Fuck no! That is not happening! Even as slavery gave white men absolute power to rape black women, OPENLY TO THE PUBLIC, for hundreds of years... many white people cling to that abjectly racist notion to this very day!

The fact that a Super Bowl Coco-Cola commercial featuring the MANY cultures and languages of America’s Americans singing an AMERICAN song drives the racists among us to rise up like a Cobra ready to strike is a sad commentary on the state of the White American Psyche.

For those of you who are driven by your racist paranoid delusions, I say... “Please, get some professional psychiatric help! It is 2014, not 1714!

And also, realize that it is WHITE people who are causing the racial earthquake in America! Black people just want to be left the fuck alone, allowed to be able to walk to the store and back without being ‘George Zimmermaned,’ allowed to be free of Stop-And-Frisk police behavior, allowed to make a few honest bucks to afford a place to live, to buy a car and to feed our kids... and to be allowed to be free from the horrible pressure of RACISM IN AMERICA!