The scene:
The slave master is talking to the next wave of bought Africans. It is now seven o'clock Ante Meridiem. He is standing on top of a six foot tall hill of hay overlooking the thirty black men, rawhide whip in left hand and loaded pistol in the other hand. He is reciting the rules of his plantation to his new slaves.
The words:
First thing you need to know is this -- call me Master!
I know most of you do not speak the king's English. But a few of you do. Those of you who know English needs to tell your fellow Negroes that these rules I am about to tell you are not negotiable. Fail to follow the rules and you will be punished. These are the forms of punishment:
Hanging from your neck till death!
Removal of a hand or a foot, or all of them.
Whipping of lashes of how many I will determine.
The removal of an eye, or both, if you look at our women with lust or other perversions.
And more punishments you will discover as time goes on.
The rules are simple on my plantation --
Speak only when spoken to and work until you are told to stop.
Let it be known that you belong to me!
I alone give you the right to live or die.
And let it be know that if I must make you die...
It will be ten times more painful than your trek to America.
Tomorrow the Negro women are going to be brought in.
Any one of you who gets out of line will die a terrible death --
Right there in front of the Negro women.
And you better remember this fact...
The Negro women belong to me.
And just like you...
They work only for me!
Now go with your Patrollers out to your work.
You will do exactly what they say.
Anyone of you disobeying one word your Patroller says will be instantly disciplined.
My goal for this first day of your ownership is to have all of you return alive tonight.
We would hate to have to defile our pure North Carolina soil with your black blood.
We'll see...
Now go!
You have a lot of work to do.
Do not make us have to kill you before you have the chance to eat your first supper together.
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