Today, in 2014... there are still plenty of people across this nation who hate the other person because of their skin color. To be honest and reasonable with the facts... plenty of white Americans hate black Americans. And, there are some black people who hate white people, too.
I live by the notion in my mind that even though I was born in North Carolina in 1959, called Nigger by every other white person I met during my youth in coastal N.C., I am considered to be an alien in the country of my birth because I am black. And, I have been treated like I am a parasitic creature that lives inside the muscle of the American body that must be driven out by any means possible.
Thoughts like that should make me a paranoid, angry man who hates all white people. But, like 99% of the black skinned Americans who have ever been first dragged as slaves into this country or born in this country as African-Americans, black people take the angry hatful derision that is heaped upon us by the world media, and people in general, and keep on keeping on in an attempt to live our lives and be left the hell alone!
Every white person of adult age should look themselves in the eyes in a mirror and ask themselves this question… “What in the hell has a black person ever done to me?” Nearly all of them would have to come to the conclusion that, in fact, not only have they never been wronged by a black person but they actually have few interactions with black people. Most of white America lives in areas of this country with extremely low black populations. Yet, white people who have little contact with blacks embrace the lies and distortions told by their fellow white man who do interact with blacks in a few large cities and deep southern areas where blacks are located.
The lies and vilification of blacks is complete bullshit!
As much as white America has tried to exterminate blackness in this country… all black people should HATE white people. Yet, we shy away from whites. We avoid whites. We take the absurd hatred and try to shrug it off.
If black people turned to act upon the hatred white people heap upon blacks throughout American history “We would all kill you in your sleep!” But, even in 2014, when blacks are confronted with EXTREME racism and hate, what do we do? We often turn to more white people, those in power, to beg them to solve the issues. And we often look by incredulously as the white people we ask to solve the issues created by other hateful white people drag their goddamn feet because we know who protects their own!
Racism sucks! And so do the stupid white people who perpetrate the greatest fraud in the existence of mankind… that black people are what has been wrong with America from the beginning! The truth is WHITE people have always made the rules, and the corruption and the hatred has always been manufactured by them! A scapegoat has always been needed to focus the hate and mistrust upon something… and that scapegoat has been BLACK PEOPLE!
A part of the state of Missouri is now being transformed into a Middle Eastern war zone. And America has a first person perspective of the abject racism, the dragging of the feet by government law enforcement, the overkill of attacking a black neighborhood and turning it into chaos and allowing a situation that could have been quashed right from the beginning by treating the local black people with a little respect. Instead, law enforcement is using this situation as a test run for seeing just what all that castaway military grade weaponry can do in an American neighborhood.
And what we are all seeing is disturbing and frightening!
White people across this country… this could be YOUR neighborhood next week. Do you want your local police rolling down your streets with tanks and other military vehicles, shooting off smoke grenades and tear gas grenades and rubber bullets that absolutely have the capability of killing an adult and a child!
Do you want your local police treating you like BLACK PEOPLE?
Sundown Towns, curfews, Patrol Regulations, rogue policemen willing to shoot your sons dead where they stand in the street, policemen willing to kill citizens with but one word from a commander… this is the America that is coming to your town!
Do you want that, white America?
Or, are you wishing for the Clive Bundy standoff where his friends take high points and point THEIR sniper rifles at the police who are attempting to serve Bundy.
By the way, Clive Bundy is still free -- because he is a WHITE MAN -- who aided in his friends pointing loaded rifles at law enforcement. If he was black, he would have been shot dead and the government would probably have called in air strikes to take out his supporting snipers… if they were black men, that is.
So, Missouri burns and the saga continues to build negative momentum every day. And one week later, the murdered teenager who was executed by a local policeman in the middle of the street of his own neighborhood in broad daylight, and left to rot in the heat of the weather for four hours, is still unresolved.
And the feckless Governor of the state only makes the situation worse by the moment with his spot on impersonation of a Governor who really only wishes the Niggers would just go away and give him back his state!
And one wonders why the people of Ferguson, Missouri are now exploding with anger and now… hatred?
What a mess… caused by white people and, I hate to say this, can only be fixed by white people.
Good luck with that, Ferguson, Missouri!
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