Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Violence against the police is flat out wrong!
But what about the violence by the police among black populations?
When the same police are shooting racially charged verbal bullets at the populace...
They are inviting the evil among the black population to emerge with weapons in hand.
Here is a little look into... The New Police Racism Paradigm!




There is a new phenomenon being force fed to the populations of the USA by police forces across America. That force feeding is this... black people as a whole are responsible for every individual act that lone perpetrators commit against everyone else. If one, obviously, deranged black criminal thug kills a police officer then that act is a conspiracy among all black people.

That is the absurdity they want you to believe.

Actually, America has ALWAYS run that narrative against black America... to make everyone else afraid of us and blame us for the ills of America. Thoughts like these among black people are not fantasy... these thoughts are real! Want an example of how America has trashed the black family? Pick any year in the 1960's or the 1970's or the 1980's or the 1990's or the 2000's and examine the mainstream national rhetoric about black people and you will read that we are STILL considered to be the blight on civil America... all 12% of us, including the women and the children!


It takes a one hundred person motorcycle gang shootout in Waco, Texas a few months ago to get the same press as one man being choked to death with an illegal choke hold on the streets of New York City by NYC cops. Who is the blame for that skewed coverage? Well, it is the Caucasian owned, and Caucasian run, media that decides to record every thing a black criminal does in this country, while ten times the white crime in American slides right under the national media's coverage.

And that is the fault of black people?


The paradigm shift of blame the blacks is from white people... including white police officers... for reasons known only to them. They believe that black people should simply forget the racist present, and the racist past, of America.

They also appear to want to force us all to forget who has enforced the racism that has ripped black people apart from this country.

It was the polices forces across America who, for centuries, have been the goons of local racist governments through America from day one. And, black people will never forget that fact.

Now, sure there are some black people who believe that their fellow black people should simply get over the anger and angst they harbor inside their heart... but, how do those black men sympathetic to what white people want from black people, as it pertains to us getting over the way we feel about racism, comfort their fellow black parents, and black individuals, who are the victims of the next act of police brutality, or the next execution of a black man at the hands of a policeman.

I say, those black men who identify with the white racist way, are race traitors! Period! And they should make it obvious who the stand with in this mixed-up situation. Stay away from blacks who are fed-up with being treated like animals by this government and it's goon lackeys, the police!


When a bastard thug criminal shoots a police officer, even if he spouts Black Lives Rhetoric while committing that murder, that idiocy does not in any way mean that that criminal has ANYTHING to do with Black Lives Matter. People have free thought... and if that free thought is to commit a murder, then the police need to GO GET THAN MAN and do what they have to do to him. But, to give a press conference and attack the Black Lives Movement because of the actions of a criminal... well, there goes the police trying to deflect the spotlight away from their centuries of abhorrent racist behavior back to the same black people they have beaten down for hundreds of years.

Shame on you, black people, who fall for that tricky form of another type of racism. Keep your focus, defend yourselves from the media that will drag you down, stay away from the violence that gives the police the power to stop your movements and educate yourself about the racist past of America so that when someone sticks a microphone in your face you can speak with knowledge, not ignorance, that they will use against you and your movements.

Some one has to tell the truth out there... and it will NOT come from the police, government officials... or the current President, bless his racially ignorant soul!


Friday, April 17, 2015


Why, my black brother, did you run?
Don't you know the police shoot-to-death men like you in the back?
And, even the federal government might find a way to follow the cover-up.
Police cover for police.
And now you are dead in that casket.
Why did you... Run Nigger, Run!



From Compton, California to Bangor, Maine... 
Black parents, black friends, black peers and black others know this fact!
When the Cops stop you for whatever the reason may be,
If your skin is black you have two options --
Flight or Compliance!

Making the decision to pick either option,
In the moment of a confrontation by the police is a COMPLEX mix of...
Fear, anxiety, zero trust in law enforcement...
And how many of your peers have been beaten, or killed, by Cops!
Why a black man makes the decision to run from Cops looks insane, to outsiders!

Innocent black men run from the police when confronted,
Rare is the black man who wants to fight a police officer.
Black men run, rather than fight, if they can...
You see the results of police violence and police brutality every day on your TV...
They take black men down and treat them like they are a savage animal!

And if you kill the savage animal while brutally subduing it...
'So, what the fuck do you want us to do about it?
Did you see how big that Nigger was?
He was going to go for my gun... like they all do!
Yea, my gun is still in its holster... but, I thought he was going for it!'

Or, 'That Nigger was as strong as a bull!
I didn't know he only weighed 140 lbs. but he was all swollen to me.
I had to put by knee in his forehead and press it into the sidewalk.
How else was I going to subdue the Nigger?
He shouldn't have looked at me like that!'

Millions of stories of white men in police uniforms taking-out black men is black lore.
The knowledge is passed down from black elders to the younger generations...
Then repeated to the next generation of straight-fuck frightened black males.
When they step out of their abodes every morning,
They live their day in fear of being murdered a white policeman!

Few elders tell the younger men to fight the police!
What do you do when you are confronted by a white man with a gun?
If you, yourself, are up to no good... well, what is your expectation of the confrontation?
If you fight the police, under your circumstance, you are going to be hurt!
And will you deserve your beat-down because of your criminality?

But for the 98% of you black men who are innocent when pulled over...
And scared to the point of pissing in your pants when confronted by policemen...
You too have the massive burden of creating your fate in the moment of confrontation.
Do you fight the molten fear and burning anxiety inside your brain and your stomach and comply?
Or do you... RUN NIGGER, RUN!


Friday, February 27, 2015


(Originally composed in 2012)
(Absolutely apropos today!)

--Prologue --

(I have written this as a stream of consciousness! I am not going to correct grammar, syntax or spelling! I am a little angry and this is the raw result! If you are offended by racial components in a rant by a black man, this is not something you should read. I‘ve warned you…)


This is my rant against the republicans in congress voting against every thing Barack Obama sends to them.

I wonder if the president had been a white democrat would the Republican congress have been more willing to work with him, instead of voting to a man and woman, against everything the President offers to them. Remember, the Republican leaders declared that their mission was to make Barack Obama a one term President BEFORE Obama had been in office long enough for anyone to really know what he was about.

I, a black man, never though I would live long enough to see a black man as president of America. I have now seen what it is like for a black man to be president… and so far it hasn’t been pretty.

I am 53 years old and the mystery of life that I believe I will never have fully answered before I die is: Why do so many white people have total disdain for black people? I just don’t get it. I can rationalize the answers in my own mind every day… I still don’t get it.

Talk about a living nightmare? White people of America, live for a day in the shoes of the !!!12%!!! of the population that is African American in this country. It is a living nightmare to be black in America, sometimes. Many white people wonder out loud why a lot of young blacks act out in louder ways? We are ALL overcompensating for this oftentimes hellish existence living in this time warp country!

The black population in America is dying off. American blacks do not have a constant stream of foreign African Americans streaming into the country from the country of Africa-America to fill our dwindling population coffer. We are having fewer kids and as the old folks die off, so to does the black population. We are attacked from all social sides as being the scourge of America! And, white people across this country BELIEVE that black people are a threat to their jobs and security. That is bullshit!

Unfortunately,  about half of the 12 percent of black Americans are jailed, undereducated, ineffective, sick, too old, too young or just to goddamn afraid of American horror show life to try to make a difference. That leaves 6 percent of the black people in America to fend for the other 6 percent. And half of that 6 percent are children and elderly. Do you see my point? There are not enough of us to affect practically any white person in America.

White people see one black person a day and the African-American zombie apocalypse has descended down to murder them all. I, a black man living in Herndon, Virginia have to exist surrounded by hundreds of white people every time I walk out my door! I can’t escape from white people. I can go a full day and see, perhaps, 20 other black people in Northern Virginia. During the same day I will encounter 200 white people. Imagine that…. and now you might wonder why a black man might sometimes look back at a white man, or woman, who is staring at him in a supermarket and ask the person, “What in the hell are you staring at?”

Of course, now the Northern Virginia white person is offended. And now, every one of the 2 or 3 black people he, or she, sees during the course of the day are animal savages… just like their parents told them black people are.

I will never advocate the harming of a white person! But, I was spit on by whites when I was a kid in North Carolina. I was called Nigger every day that I can remember as a child in North Carolina. I was born in 1959, all the way at the bottom of the state… in 1959! I remember the KKK shooting off their guns at night when I was a kid… burying my head under my homemade pillow at night out of fear that some white monster was going to break down the door to my grandfather’s house and kill us all. I remember all that horror madness like it happened last night, and I will never push my memories back into the recesses of my mind and act like none of my past never happened.

Scott Walker, the Wisconsin governor, just showed me with his win just how bat shit crazy white people across this country can be. Scott walker declared war against the people of his state… and like zombie sheep willingly led right into the slaughter house, those people gave their lives right back to a man who is on tape saying he wanted to “Divide and Conqueror” the people of Wisconsin.  And those goddamn stupid ass people, against what should have been their basic survival self-interest instinct, gave the power right back to him. It is the most backward piece of stupidly I have ever seen in America, other than giving George Bush a second term as President.

Wait a minute. “W” and memories of his crazy Presidency. As fucked-up as “W’s” policies were, he rarely got any real flack from regular white America. So, there you have it. Bat shit crazy, war mongering ass, former alcoholic and cocaine user Republican President … no problem! A black man in the office? Big fucking problem!

Black people are a strong people, even though everything in this country stacks the deck against them when you rub away the dingy surface covering the “American way” shit. You see that man, Barack Obama? You see his composure?  I bet his wife has to spend a lot of time talking him down off some mental ledges, ever so often. When you are surround by white people who probably hate you at their core, behind the sleazy smiles and courtesies,  it has to affect you some way.

This country is going to hell, fast. Racism and religion are leading the pack! Oh, and stupidity and ignorance are right behind it all.

Give a brother a goddamn break. And act like you have some goddamn sense, white America. You are better than what you are showing the rest of the world. And you can start by treating your fellow Negroes a little better… like it was 2012 and not 1912!