Saturday, May 31, 2014


Hey, Mark Cuban...
Let me inform you about a little social math!

+  Prejudice

You admitted...
Right there on National Television,
As Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charley Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal
-- Kissed your ass because they all want a piece of your dirty money pie --
...That you are Prejudiced...
And a Bigot!
How can a man not be a racist without being a prejudiced bigot?

And how can these three former basketball superstars,
Now abject racial turncoat sellouts,
 Sit there on their black asses and not challenge the absurdity in Mark Cuban's words!

But you said, Mark Cuban, "I'm not racist."
Not only are you a sneaky racist bastard...
You are a dangerous sneaky racist bastard liar!

Your insidious way of bringing people into your racism,
By using your money based aura to steal their respect,
Is the dirtiest piece of politicking since the Ted Cruze led government shutdown!

You are pure evil,
Mark Cuban...
And it is up to people with self-respect,
And a healthy empathy for their fellow ethnicity,
 To take you back down to normal reality!

And you will NOT find that empathy at the NBA on TNT!
But you will find rich bitch former basketball players without souls...
Who will side with the racist bastard because they want to kiss his ass!



Thursday, May 29, 2014



Who gets to tell another man that that man is racist?
Would it be a man who publicly declares his own racism?
Would it be a man who shares nothing with the life you had led?
Would it be a man so wealthy and self-obsessed he has grown delusional?

Who gets to tell another man that that man is a bigot? 
Would it be a man who publicly declares his own bigotry?
Would it be a man power mad with his own self-worth derision?
Would it be the man so wealthy he can buy his way onto TV to convince you?

Who gets to tell another man that that man is prejudice.
Would it be a man who publicly declares his own prejudiced views.
Would it be a man so filled with his own self-importance that he is a fool?
Would it be a man so wealthy he never has to contact the objects of his delusions?

I will tell me when I am ready to declare my racism!
And, I will tell me when I am ready to declare myself as a bigot.
And. I will tell me when I am ready to declare myself as prejudice.
And I declare to the world right now, tonight -- I am not what Mark Cuban is!

Americans are devolving into pastoral human sheep.
Any black hearted Shepard can command them and lead them right over a cliff.
The fact that Mark Cuban has convinced you that you are racist is...
The craziest bit of media snake oil salesmanship I have seen in 55 years!  

This is Mark Cuban, America!
He has been a media joke for almost two decades!
Don’t you know who that man selling you bullshit is?
That man is stupid, abrasive, heavily fined by the NBA, ridiculous Mark Cuban!

What... you believe just because a man is wealthy that makes his smart?
Some of the stupidest, craziest, most ignorant, hateful people are billionaires!
Some of the most racist, bigoted, prejudiced people on earth are worth billions!
And one of these billionaires just told you he is a racist bastard!

And like a fly sucking vomit off a piece of bread...
You are oblivious to the putrid nature of the bile dripping from Cuban’s mouth!
You nod your head right along with his proud, cocky, awful declarations...
Just like you nod at the same racist derision from your church pulpit every Sunday!

The next time you are compelled to call a man like me a “Nigger” --
You have your back watched by Mark Cuban, he told you you’re just like him.
And if you are a black man accepting the “Nigger” attack like a helpless sheep --
You are also protected by the smothering death embracing of Mark Cuban’s hate!

Enjoy your dance with the devil of racist Stockholm Syndrome, Stephen A. Smith!
Continue to vouch for the billionaire racist who allows you to kiss his ass!
And when Mark Cuban eventually burns you with a fire that burns your black DNA,
Don’t come running to me for a hug... you should already have known better!

Who gets to tell another man that that man is racist?
Would it be a man who publicly declares his own racism?
Would it be a man who shares nothing with the life you have led?
Would it be a man so wealthy and self-obsessed he has grown delusional?


Friday, May 23, 2014

Florida Prosecutor Kennith Lewis -- Racist Bastard!

And here we go again, America!
Another prominent white male in an authority position taking the whip to black women.
I know for a fact,
Because of my age and memory,
That the term "HOES" originally was a gutter put-down to black women.
Over the decades,
All women can be labeled this word by disrespectful bastard men.

Kenneth Lewis is a Florida Swamp Grass clod of dirt!
This ass was talking about BLACK women only!
Men like him feel empowered,
And angrily emasculated at the same time,
As they watch a whole lot of different Americans attack their racist power structure.
And they are PISS MAD!

Ask that rat bastard Mark Cuban!

How many "NIGGERS" have been locked-up by this bastard --
Because he doesn't like the color of their skin.
This man absolutely knew what he was saying when he wrote that Twitter message!
He was talking about BLACK WOMEN!
And to all of you out there who are now going to apologize for him...
Kiss MY natural black ass,
Because you are just as much of a racist dick as Kennith Lewis is.

This man should be FIRED... today!
How can this man be allowed to prosecute Florida cases,
African-American cases,
When he believes black women are HOES!
And by proxy,
Of course,
Surely believes all black men are "NIGGERS!"

Only in America!


Thursday, May 22, 2014



To the men of NBA racism like Mark Cuban... 
When I, 
A 55 year old black man who knows my roots...
From the slaves right off the boat off the Cape Fear River...
To the black Americans trying to lives our lives in peace today...
When I decide to talk about black people,
Guess what?
I have lived all my life as a black person!
And I have survived the darker days of my youth when...
North Carolina white people openly called me Nigger!
And spit on me,
As a 6 year old in Shallotte,
When I accompanied my granddad into town for supplies.

When I open my mouth about the travails of blackness --
I am talking from the perspective of a survivor of 1950's - 1980's style racism!
Mister ignorant, pompous, bloviating, prickly spoiled brat,
Know nothing about me and mine!
Like the other racist monster plantation mindset NBA owners should do,
Leave the ethnic pontificating to those who are the color you disrespect!
If you respected the Negroes you believe you "OWN,"
Like the Sterling one believes he does,
You would NEVER open your dick mouth about us!
Shut up your mouth and leave us the fuck alone!

How on earth can your black employees continue to work for you,
Like too afraid House Negroes,
Who would rather live in the house of the racist monster Cracker...
Than strike out on their own into the scary real world to find your...
African-American balls of self-respect!

Mark Cuban believes you are all hooded thugs!
He only associates with you because you work his plantation!

And it is all a goddamn shame!